Monday, February 13, 2012

Belief in empricism as destruction of the political process

The belief in empiricism limits our ability to think. We accept the notion of empirical thought as absolute, not questioning the sources and location of this thought. This becomes with the "hard sciences", sciences deemed to be entirely based on empiricism. These become understood as fact by everyone, even while the methods for reaching them are not understood.The problem with this comes from the acceptance of methods as truth and an explication for empiricism that is entirely constructed with a false premise. This premise relies on these sciences developing a rigid explanation for the empirical world around us. They fail in regard to this explanation, since the explanation itself is constructed by those creating the explanation. The view we have of expiricism becomes constructed by this small group of individuals( the practioners). We rely on them because of the belief that they must be true, when really such views are really an explanation. This explanation fails to serve as actual truth. The best possible explanation does not serve as truth, it serves as a conception of what occurs. The problem is that this conception has formed the basis of truth in regard to empiricism, when really it is just an explication. This serves to create a problem in regard to the political process.
      The political process relies on empiricism, the idea that problems are solved by facts as truth. Our familarity with the scientific conception of truth develops our reliance on a conception of empiricism in politics. The problem with this stems from the acceptance of these truths. Like with the sciences, an explanation exists,but, not truth. Our decisions and actions in regard to the political process( which we will use to excompass the larger socio-economic arena) come from this acceptance of the empricism of what is presented. Our ability to not  question these things,but, accept them as fact leads to our failure to properly organize and make an effort to change this idea of empiricism in the political process. The occupy movement, which is far from a failure, has not been as successfull as it could have been. The reason why is because of the movement's acceptance of empiricism.  The movement should reject any notion of true empiricism and deny it as a source of truth. This inhibits the ability to critically address anything, because the concept of truth is slanted. If they reject empiricism as a source of truth, then the ability to look deeper into the political process will occur.