Thursday, February 18, 2010

Snow in Charlotte?-
    It has been cooooooold these last few weeks.  There is a lot of talk about global warming being a myth.  How can it be so cold when the earth is supposed to be getting warmer?  People, observing their immediate surroundings assume that if the temperature is cooler than usual, then the Earth cannot possibly be getting warmer.  But this reasoning is rather short-sighted.
    There is an overwhelming amount of evidence which shows that the global temperature has risen over the past twenty years.  Studies by the NOAA clearly show that CO2 levels have dramatically risen over the last few years.  CO2, along with other greenhouse gases, trap heat inside the Earth’s atmosphere.  This cause the global temperature to rise.  This is causing the phenomena known as Global Warming.
    Besides a few studies funded by oil companies, and others who have a controlling interest in fossil fuels, global warming is a well-documented fact accepted by most scientists.  But the question remains, why is it snowing more often?  The answer lies in moisture.  With higher temperatures in the atmosphere, we find higher amounts of water vapor.  According to studies, the atmosphere’s water vapor content has increased by 0.4 kilograms per cubic meter per decade since 1988.  With more moisture in the air, there is a greater chance for precipitation.  Therefore during the winter season, there is a greater chance for snow.
    Keep in mind that weather is not climate.  The current weather patterns affecting the U.S. allow for more snow than usual, but that does not mean the global temperature is not rising.
                        -Ryan Shullaw and Eric Virzi

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