Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Succeeding as a pickpocket to continue the egalitarian arm

    For many years groups of individuals (moneyed interests) whom profit from the work of the singular individual (anyone whom is not a part of moneyed interests) have built up an almost infallible system.   I say almost because such a system has not yet reached the lengths to control and take over every facet of our lives, but instead control our worth as an individual. This worth the groups of individuals have placed on the singular individual as the marginal existence of personhood. The singular individual has no idea of personhood and worth as a corporal being, their nature of individualism has eroded. This eroded nature posits that no state of being is a true state of being. Instead these singular individuals exist as something less than human in the regard that their being becomes a conditional. A conditional for the groups of individuals to profit off of everything and erode their worth as a singular individual. That would be why being a pickpocket is a way to express the corporal condition. When the groups of individuals whom profit exist in their individual state, what defines them is their access to capital.
    This is exhibited by the wallet, where the representation of worth is made at that moment. If it is stripped and taken, the singular person from the group of individuals loses their value. They become removed from their perceived advantage and instead retreat. Their retrieval is from the profited existence and instead to the same place as the singular individual. They are alone in their excess and gone is their advantage. The group that they depend on is not there, it has disappeared with sleight of hand. In some sense the nature of profit has failed, inspiring the individual without personhood to commit these acts. They have to in order to survive. If the groups of individuals who profit off their exploitation have the means to be exploited themselves, than the singular individual has to take control. Taking the wallet is the refuge of the exploited.
    The refuge that the exploited manufacture is as an equality of means. The singular individual uses this to build personhood, to express their desire for place in society. They are stripped of their ability to exist as a singular individual. Therefore taking the wallet allows them to perform their role as personhood. It is not crude revenge, but an expression of corporal personhood. The act is an expression, like performing a play or developing a art routine. It expresses to the group of individuals their role as actors and the singular individual’s role as an actor also. Equality is achieved in the nature or roles. The singular individual lacks their role as personhood until the wallet is taken, than they switch this role with the groups of individuals. Eventually the roles will be completely reversed.
                                                                 -Mark Brinton

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