Monday, October 17, 2011

Occupation as Liberation

The structure of a society does not dictate the way a society behaves.  If America were to wake up tomorrow and find itself an anarchist society, the same injustices and inequalities would still exist.  The same would be true for any structural or economical change.  The goals we hope for will not be achieved by the reformation of an entrenched system, for the system itself breeds these injustices.  It is false to believe we do not achieve these goals because some rich white guy does everything he can to stop the poor from gaining liberation.  Even though rich people do benefit from the current system, they do not systematically oppress the poor, or the 99%.  We all are implicit in the corrupt system.  We all share in the blame.  We all oppress each other and ourselves because this is the way we have been conditioned to behave.
In order to revolt against the system, we need to change ourselves.  From that change, the structural changes within society will organically occur as a natural offshoot of a new people.  We need to create space were a new society can be born.  The occupation taking place globally can achieve these ends if it dedicates itself, not to changing a flawed system, but to immediate liberation.  Within these areas of occupation, a new society and spirit can begin to form, but unlike past societies founded on social contracts which protect a minority, a bottom up system will take hold where each person is dedicated to establishing the freedom of all within the occupied area and anyone who wishes to be liberated. 
The first step in creating a space for liberation is to stop being implicit in the flawed system.  Because we are all so involved in society, there does not exist many ways to disconnect from the larger society, nor is it very desirable to end associations we have been developing within our own lives.  One systematic and potentially productive way to do this positively is to not vote in elections.  Of course one individual not voting is ineffectual.  If a large and intelligent drive to not vote is organized, the movement could send a powerful message to the political establishment.  This would also allow people who would not normally participate or are not comfortable with traditional protest to participate in a positive way.  Instead of people tacitly agreeing to an unjust and oppressive system, we declare the political system as bankrupt and unrepresentative of the majority’s opinion. 
Revolution is not war, nor is it a simple event.  The true and sustainable revolution will occur within ourselves, within the very way we perceive the reality we help to create.  A great dedication to liberation, justice, and peace from all humans must become the reason for our existence.  One individual is only as free as the next individual because we give each other freedom.  By allowing each other freedom, we will achieve our own freedom.
                                                                                                           -Eric Virzi

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